Artist Statement: Dave Caudill


I work in large stainless and small bronze, using sweeping lines in an abstract language of rhythm and grace to affirm belief in the power of beauty.

My sculpture is often placed in public spaces. It celebrates attributes that enable all of us to thrive—idealism, enthusiasm, and the joy of life. This drive became evident when I completed my first undersea sculpture, The Angel of Harmony, and the motivation remains a common denominator.

I promote the experience of looking up to see the works against a blue sky so the viewer obtains what I call a child’s-eye view.  I believe this posture brings a subtle urge to move us from our adult complacency to the sense of openness and wonder felt by small children.

2D Designs:

I have fallen in love with color again. The designs you see represent the first in an ongoing series of adventuresome images rendered very quickly. The spirit of play is an important quality that emerges effortlessly in this process, and I find it freeing.

— Dave Caudill